Arugula Companion Plants: How to Maximize Your Garden Space

The best companion plants for arugula are those that tolerate the same growing conditions with similar light and water requirements. Good choices for arugula companion plants include beets, carrots, herbs, and lettuce.

Arugula, a leafy green with a distinctive peppery taste, is highly sought-after for its versatility in enhancing salads, sandwiches, and even pizzas. Ideally suited for cooler weather, arugula is easy to grow and maintain, making it a favorite of both amateur and experienced gardeners alike. Pairing arugula with certain companion plants can help to enhance its growth and overall flavor, while also preventing common issues like pests and disease.

What is Arugula?

What is Arugula

If you’re a gardening enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of arugula – a leafy plant known for its peppery taste and used in salads, soups, and pesto. Arugula (Eruca sativa) is a species of rocket belonging to the Brassicaceae family. It has elongated, serrated leaves and a cluster of small white or yellow flowers. This green, often referred to as salad rocket, is easy to grow and can be harvested in as little as 30 days.

Brief Description of Arugula

  • Arugula is a leafy green vegetable with a distinctive peppery taste.
  • It belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which includes mustard, cabbage, and broccoli.
  • This plant has elongated, serrated leaves and produces white or yellow flowers.
  • Arugula is an easy plant to grow, even for novice gardeners.
  • It quickly matures, making it a perfect addition to your garden.

Health Benefits of Consuming Arugula

Arugula not only adds flavor to your dishes, but it also has several health benefits. Some of its benefits include:

  • Arugula is packed with antioxidants that help prevent damage to your cells.
  • It is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, which are essential for healthy bones and vision.
  • Arugula is an excellent source of fiber that supports digestion and prevents constipation.
  • This green leafy vegetable contains minerals, such as calcium, iron, and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure and preventing anemia.
  • Consuming arugula has anti-inflammatory properties that help ward off chronic diseases.

Arugula is a versatile, healthy, and delicious plant that you can include in your garden and diet. Its peppery taste adds a unique flavor to your meals, and its health benefits are evidence of its nutritional value. Try planting and using arugula in your recipes to enjoy its many health and culinary advantages.

Benefits of Companion Planting with Arugula

Benefits of Companion Planting with Arugula

Arugula, commonly referred to as rocket or salad rocket, is a leafy green vegetable abundant in nutritional value while providing a delightful peppery flavor. This plant is not only a great addition to your salads but also a wonderful companion in your garden beds. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of companion planting with arugula.

Improving soil quality

Arugula is a natural bio-accumulator, which means it can absorb and accumulate trace elements, minerals, and nutrients from the soil. When arugula is grown as a companion plant, it helps to improve the quality of the soil by:

  • Conditioning the soil with its deep roots adds organic matter to the soil and improves aeration and drainage.
  • Accumulating nutrients from the soil and then releasing them as the plant decomposes.
  • Acting as a natural companion to other plants, drawing in pollinators and beneficial insects while repelling pests and weeds.

Maximizing garden space

Arugula is a fast-growing and fast-maturing plant, which makes it an excellent companion plant when it comes to maximizing garden space. When planted with other compatible plants, it can:

  • Grow in between rows of other plants and act as a living mulch, providing shade for the roots and suppressing weed growth.
  • Be sown in succession to make the most of small garden spaces and provide a constant supply of fresh leaves.
  • Be grown in containers and window boxes, making it an ideal plant for small-space gardening.

Repelling pests and insects

Arugula is a natural pest repellent, and growing it as a companion plant can help to keep pests and insects away from your garden. Here are some of the pests and insects that arugula can help to repel:

  • Flea beetles, which can damage other plants such as radishes and tomatoes.
  • Cabbage loopers, which can damage vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.
  • Aphids, which can damage a wide variety of plants.

Attracting beneficial insects

Arugula is also a natural attractant for beneficial insects, which can help to pollinate your plants and keep harmful pests at bay. Some of the beneficial insects that arugula attracts include:

  • Ladybugs, which can eat harmful pests such as aphids.
  • Lacewings, which can eat the eggs and larvae of harmful pests.
  • Hoverflies, which can pollinate plants and eat harmful pests.

In conclusion, planting arugula in your garden as a companion plant has plenty of benefits. It can help to improve soil quality, maximize garden space, repel pests and insects, and attract beneficial insects.

Plants Compatible with Arugula

Plants Compatible with Arugula

If you are new to gardening, you may not know that not all plants grow well together. In fact, some plants can even harm each other if they are planted too closely together. That’s why companion planting is important – it maximizes the benefits that each plant can get from the soil and the sun while minimizing any potential damage. If you are growing arugula in your garden, you may want to consider planting some other compatible plants alongside it. Here are some examples of plants that can grow well with arugula:

List of compatible plants

  • Peppers (hot or sweet)
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Radishes
  • Spinach

Explanation of why they make good companions

These plants can grow well with arugula for a variety of different reasons. Here are some examples:


  • Like tomatoes, peppers can also benefit from arugula’s pest-repelling properties.
  • Arugula’s shallow roots can help to aerate the soil around the pepper plants, while the peppers can provide some shade to the arugula.

Beets and Carrots

  • Arugula can help to repel pests like leaf miners and aphids that can harm beet and carrot plants.
  • The deep roots of these plants can help to loosen the soil around the arugula, making it easier for the arugula to soak up water and nutrients.


  • Arugula can help to repel cucumber beetles which can damage cucumber plants.
  • Cucumbers can provide some shade to the arugula, while the arugula can help to keep the soil moist around the cucumber plants.


  • Arugula can help to repel pests like flea beetles that can harm radish plants.
  • The shallow roots of radishes can help to break up compacted soil around the arugula, making it easier for the arugula to grow.


  • Like arugula, spinach prefers cooler temperatures and can benefit from some shade.
  • Arugula and spinach have similar nutrient needs, so planting them together can help to maximize the nutrients in the soil.

Companion Planting Strategies for Arugula

Arugula is a great, easy-to-grow green that is full of nutritional and culinary value. It’s a great addition to any garden, and the best part is that it is also a fantastic companion plant. Companion planting is a gardening technique where different plants are grown together to enhance each other’s growth and mutually benefit from one another. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the various companion planting strategies for arugula.

Interplanting arugula with other plants

Interplanting arugula with other plants is a fantastic companion planting strategy that can help to maximize garden space and prevent soil erosion. Some great plants to interplant with arugula include:

  • Beets: Beets are a great companion plant for arugula because they help to deter pests and also add a bit of color to your garden.
  • Herbs: Herbs such as basil and cilantro are great to grow alongside arugula, as they help to repel pests.
  • Radishes: Radishes are another excellent choice to interplant with arugula, as they help to loosen the soil and also deter pests.

Succession planting

Succession planting is a method where gardeners plant arugula in stages, allowing for a constant supply of fresh greens throughout the growing season. Here are a few key points to keep in mind with succession planting:

  • Plant arugula seeds every two weeks to ensure a steady supply of leaves.
  • Plant in the early spring and again in the early fall for optimal growth.
  • Harvest arugula when the leaves are young and tender to get the best flavor.

Crop rotation

Crop rotation is the practice of alternating the types of plants grown in a particular garden bed to prevent the buildup of soil-borne pests and diseases. Here are some key points to consider when using crop rotation for arugula:

  • Rotate arugula with other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
  • Avoid planting arugula in the same spot for more than two years.
  • As a leafy green, arugula is a great crop for rotation because it helps to break up compacted soil.

Arugula is a fantastic addition to any garden, and with these companion planting strategies, you can make the most of its growth potential. Interplant with other plants, try succession planting, and practice crop rotation to ensure that your arugula and garden thrive.

Read More Exploring the Benefits of Companion Planting for Backyard Gardens.

Avoiding Bad Arugula Companions

Arugula is a peppery and nutritious green that thrives in cold weather, making it an excellent crop for fall and spring harvests. As with any plant, companion planting is a valuable strategy for promoting growth and deterring pests. Some plants around arugula can have disastrous impacts that can stunt the growth of the plant, reduce its flavor, and attract pests that target arugula. In this post, we’ll focus on some of the bad companions to steer clear of to ensure the healthy growth and vitality of your arugula.

Plants that inhibit the growth

Some plants can be detrimental to the growth of arugula because they are competing for resources, including water, nutrients, and sunlight. Here are some plants that could inhibit the growth of your arugula:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Mustard
  • Turnip

Plants that are harmful to arugula

While some plants might compete for resources with arugula, others can be harmful and cause diseases or pests that can destroy your crop. Here are some plants to avoid planting around your arugula:

Brassica Family: Members of the Brassica family, including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, are not recommended as companions for arugula. Arugula and Brassicas share similar growth requirements and can compete for resources, resulting in stunted growth and reduced productivity. Additionally, planting them together increases the risk of pests and diseases that affect both arugula and Brassicas.

Pole Beans: While beans are generally beneficial for many garden plants, pole beans can be problematic when grown alongside arugula. Pole beans are known for their vigorous growth and climbing habit. They tend to overshadow and shade out arugula, depriving it of much-needed sunlight. This can lead to weak, spindly arugula plants that struggle to thrive.

Potatoes: Potatoes may seem harmless, but they can hinder the growth of arugula if planted in close proximity. Potatoes have a dense foliage canopy that can cast shade over arugula plants, inhibiting their growth and reducing their productivity. Moreover, potatoes are susceptible to various pests and diseases that can spread to arugula plants when they are grown together.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes and arugula are not ideal companions due to their differing growth habits and resource requirements. Tomatoes are heavy feeders, requiring a substantial amount of nutrients and water. When grown near arugula, tomatoes can compete for these resources, leaving arugula deprived and potentially stunted. Additionally, tomatoes can attract pests that may also affect arugula.

Natural Pest Control

Natural Pest Control

Arugula is a versatile and tasty leafy green that is a great addition to any garden. However, like any plant, arugula can be vulnerable to pests that can ravage your plants. Fortunately, there are natural pest control methods that you can use in conjunction with arugula companion plants to keep your garden healthy and thriving. In this section, we’ll explore how companion planting can reduce pest problems and examples of natural pest control methods that you can use.

How companion planting can reduce pest problems

Companion planting is a method of planting different crops together that benefit each other. By planting arugula companion plants, you can help to reduce pest problems by:

  • Attracting beneficial insects that will help to keep pests under control.
  • Deter pests by confusing them or repelling them with the scent of certain plants.
  • Improving soil health, which can help plants grow stronger and more resistant to pests.

Examples of natural pest control methods

There are many natural pest control methods that you can use in your garden to keep pests at bay. Here are some effective options:

  • Introduce beneficial insects: Ladybugs, praying mantises, and lacewings are all insects that can help to keep pests under control. You can purchase these insects online or at your local nursery. Make sure to follow instructions carefully to ensure that they are released at the right time and in the right place.
  • Use organic pest control sprays: While chemical sprays can be effective, they can also harm beneficial insects and be harmful to the environment. Organic sprays, such as neem oil or insecticidal soap, can be just as effective without harmful side effects.
  • Plant pest-repelling herbs: Certain herbs, like mint, basil, and rosemary, have natural repellent properties that can help to keep pests away. Planting these herbs near your arugula can help to protect it from pests.
  • Rotate crops: Pests can build up in the soil over time, so it’s important to rotate your crops every season to help reduce pest problems. Planting a different type of crop in the same spot each season can help break the pest cycle.

By incorporating arugula companion plants and natural pest control methods into your garden, you can help to keep your arugula and other plants healthy and thriving.

Arugula Companion Plants FAQ

Are you curious about the best plants to grow alongside arugula? Look no further than arugula companion plants! These are crops that support each other through natural means, providing a variety of benefits like repelling pests, attracting beneficial insects, and improving soil health. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice, this guide will answer all your frequently asked questions about arugula companion plants.

Common questions about companion planting with arugula

Here are some of the common questions that arise when talking about companion planting with arugula:

Why is companion planting with arugula important?

  • Companion planting with arugula is a natural way to improve the productivity of your garden and promote soil health.
  • By planting arugula alongside other crops, you can help repel pests, attract beneficial insects, and enrich the soil with key nutrients.

What are some good arugula companion plants?

  • Some common arugula companion plants include tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, and beans.
  • These crops complement arugula by providing shade, attracting pollinators, and repelling pests.

How do I plant arugula with companion plants?

  • When planting arugula with companion plants, be sure to space them out properly to allow for proper growth and prevent overcrowding.
  • Consider intercropping, where you alternate rows or sections of arugula and companion plants, to maximize your garden space and promote healthy growth.

Can companion planting with arugula save me time and money?

  • Absolutely! Companion planting can help reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers, saving you time and money in the long run.
  • Additionally, by planting complementary crops, you can reduce the likelihood of plant disease and promote healthier, more productive plants.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when companion planting with arugula?

  • Avoid planting incompatible crops too close together, as this can lead to overcrowding, nutrient imbalances, and reduced yields.
  • Don’t forget to rotate your crops regularly to help improve soil health and prevent disease.
  • Also, be aware that while companion planting can be an effective gardening technique, there is no guarantee that it will work in every situation. Trial and error can help you determine which companion plants work best for your garden.

Use these tips to get started with companion planting alongside arugula and enjoy healthier, more productive plants in your garden. Happy gardening!


In conclusion, arugula is a versatile and beneficial plant to include in any garden and can be paired with a variety of companion plants to maximize growth and health. Companion planting with arugula provides a natural method of pest control, encourages healthy soil and plant growth, and enhances the flavor of neighboring plants. Some popular companion plants for arugula include basil, nasturtiums, and tomatoes.

By incorporating arugula into your garden and utilizing companion planting techniques, you can not only enjoy the benefits of this nutritious green but also make the most out of your garden space. With some planning and experimentation, you can create a thriving and diverse garden that is both beautiful and practical. So why not give arugula companion planting a try? Your garden, and taste buds, will thank you.

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